
Positive Affirmations to Inspire a Flourishing Year Ahead

I’ve always thought that speaking positive affirmations was something that was worth trying but often didn’t make much difference. The concept of believing you have received something positive before it has actually happened never really spoke a lot of truth to me but that’s possible because negativity was getting in the way. Even though I get the meaning behind it, I never really thought affirmations could change anything. After all, they are just ‘words’!

But there is something about the spoken word that is way more powerful than I ever realised. Thoughts can shape our reality and as the quote goes “what you think you become, what you feel you attract and what you imagine you create”.

There may be certain fears that have come into our heads, especially over the last few years that life hasn’t lived up to our expectations but if we appreciate the goodness that we have in our lives today it gives us hope for inspiring times ahead and we think with more clarity living in the present moment. Believing in ourselves and our dreams gives us purpose in what we do, how we interact with others and who we become as a person.

If we spend just a few minutes each day imagining how certain words and the meaning behind them can lift our spirits and build the confidence to do things we only ever imagined then the positive effects of repeating affirmations on a daily basis can raise our vibration, boost our inner strength and resilience and give new meaning to everyday life.

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