Functional movement is a term used to describe exercises and movements that mimic and improve daily activities and natural human movement patterns. The concept of seven movement patterns is a framework often used in fitness and physical therapy to categorise these movements for training and rehabilitation purposes. Here are the seven primary movement patterns and a brief explanation of each:
SQUATTING – This involves bending at the hips and knees while keeping the chest up and the back straight. It mimics movements like sitting down and standing up and is great for strengthening the legs and buttocks.
HINGING – Hinging focuses on bending at the hips while keeping the back straight, often involving the posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes & lower back). This pattern is fundamental for movements like bending over to pick up objects. It is strengthinenin for hte back
LUNGING – This involves stepping forward or backward and bending at the hips and knees Lunging patterns simulate movements like sitting down and standing up.
PUSHING – This includes movements where force is exerted to push objects away from the body, such as push-ups, bench press or overhead press.
PULLING – Pulling involves movements where force is exerted to pull objects towards the body, like a pull-up, row, or lat pulldown.
TWISTING AND ROTATION -Focuses on rotational movements involving the trunk and hips. This pattern is crucial for activities that require twisting of the body like swinging a golf club, or throwing a ball.
WALKING / RUNNING – this is the pattern of walking or running, involving coordinated movements of the lower body to move it forward.
Understanding and incorporating these movement patterns into various fitness routines can help individuals achieve a well-rounded and functional approach to strength, flexibility and mobility. Training across these movement patterns can improve overall athleticism and reduce the risk of injuries in everyday activities.